Postsynaptic Potential Summation


Neurophysiology Spatial Summation

Neurophysiology Spatial Summations

Neurophysiology Summation

Neurophysiology Summations

Neurophysiology Temporal Summation

Neurophysiology Temporal Summations

Post Synaptic Potential Summation

Post-Synaptic Potential Summation

Post-Synaptic Potential Summations

Postsynaptic Potential Summations

Potential Summation, Post-Synaptic

Potential Summation, Postsynaptic

Potential Summations, Post-Synaptic

Potential Summations, Postsynaptic

Spatial Summation, Neurophysiology

Spatial Summations, Neurophysiology

Summation, Neurophysiology

Summation, Neurophysiology Spatial

Summation, Neurophysiology Temporal

Summation, Post-Synaptic Potential

Summation, Postsynaptic Potential

Summations, Neurophysiology

Summations, Neurophysiology Spatial

Summations, Neurophysiology Temporal

Summations, Post-Synaptic Potential

Summations, Postsynaptic Potential

Temporal Summation, Neurophysiology

Temporal Summations, Neurophysiology

Physiological integration of multiple SYNAPTIC POTENTIAL signals to reach the threshold and initiate postsynaptic ACTION POTENTIALS. In spatial summation stimulations from additional synaptic junctions are recruited to generate s response. In temporal summation succeeding stimuli signals are summed up to reach the threshold. The postsynaptic potentials can be either excitatory or inhibitory (EPSP or IPSP).