Sciatic Neuropathy


Lesion of Sciatic Nerve

Nerve Disease, Sciatic

Nerve Diseases, Sciatic

Nerve Lesion, Sciatic

Nerve Lesions, Sciatic

Nerve Palsies, Sciatic

Nerve Palsy, Sciatic

Neuralgia Neuritis, Sciatic Nerve

Neuralgia-Neuritides, Sciatic Nerve

Neuralgia-Neuritis, Sciatic Nerve

Neuritides, Sciatic

Neuritis, Sciatic

Neuropathies, Sciatic

Neuropathy, Sciatic

Palsies, Sciatic Nerve

Palsy, Sciatic Nerve

Sciatic Nerve Disease

Sciatic Nerve Diseases

Sciatic Nerve Lesion

Sciatic Nerve Lesions

Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia-Neuritides

Sciatic Nerve Neuralgia-Neuritis

Sciatic Nerve Palsies

Sciatic Nerve Palsy

Sciatic Neuritides

Sciatic Neuritis

Sciatic Neuropathies

Disease or damage involving the SCIATIC NERVE, which divides into the PERONEAL NERVE and TIBIAL NERVE (see also PERONEAL NEUROPATHIES and TIBIAL NEUROPATHY). Clinical manifestations may include SCIATICA or pain localized to the hip, PARESIS or PARALYSIS of posterior thigh muscles and muscles innervated by the peroneal and tibial nerves, and sensory loss involving the lateral and posterior thigh, posterior and lateral leg, and sole of the foot. The sciatic nerve may be affected by trauma; ISCHEMIA; COLLAGEN DISEASES; and other conditions. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1363)