Genes, mos


Gene, c-mos

Gene, mos

Gene, v-mos

Genes, c-mos

Genes, v-mos

Oncogene, mos

Oncogene, v-mos

Oncogenes, mos

Oncogenes, v-mos

Proto-Oncogene, c-mos

Proto-Oncogene, mos

Proto-Oncogenes, c-mos

Proto-Oncogenes, mos

c mos Genes

c mos Proto Oncogenes

c-mos Gene

c-mos Genes

c-mos Proto-Oncogene

c-mos Proto-Oncogenes

mos Gene

mos Genes

mos Oncogene

mos Oncogenes

mos Proto Oncogenes

mos Proto-Oncogene

mos Proto-Oncogenes

v mos Genes

v mos Oncogenes

v-mos Gene

v-mos Genes

v-mos Oncogene

v-mos Oncogenes

Retrovirus-associated DNA sequences (mos) originally isolated from the Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV). The proto-oncogene mos (c-mos) codes for a protein which is a member of the serine kinase family. There is no evidence as yet that human c-mos can become transformed or has a role in human cancer. However, in mice, activation can occur when the retrovirus-like intracisternal A-particle inserts itself near the c-mos sequence. The human c-mos gene is located at 8q22 on the long arm of chromosome 8.